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Tree: Lakshmibai, Rani of Jhansi
Family: Sapre

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2002-May-22Added person chima - Khanwalkar, Chima
2002-May-22Added event type 'S' (1838 Bithur) for manukarnikat
2002-May-22Added event type 'S' (1838 Bithur) for moropantt
2002-May-22Replaced event type 'D' (185802 Jhansi) for moropantt
2002-May-22Added event type 'M' (1833 ) for baghirathi
2002-May-22Replaced event type 'D' (1837 Varanasi (Benares)) for baghirathi
2002-May-22Replaced event type 'B' ( ) for baghirathi
2002-May-22Replaced aliases for baghirathi to ;;;;;;;;
2002-May-22Modified person baghirathi
2002-May-22Replace parents (baghirathi, moropantt) for manukarnikat
2002-May-22Added event type 'D' (1837 Varanasi (Benares)) for baghirathi
2002-May-22Added person baghirathi - , Baghirathi
2002-May-22Set alias for moropantt to Moroshwar Tambe;;;;;;;;
2002-May-22Added event type 'D' (1858 Jhansi) for moropantt
2002-May-22Added event type 'B' (1811 ) for moropantt
2002-May-22Added person moropantt - Tambe, Moropant
2002-May-22Replace parents (manukarnikat, gangadhar) for damodarr3
2002-May-22Replace parents (, raghumathh1) for damodar1
2002-May-22Replace parents (, damodar1) for sadashivr
2002-May-22Replace parents (, sadashivr) for trivankar
2002-May-22Replace parents (, trivankar) for narayanr
2002-May-22Replace parents (, narayanr) for sadashivr2
2002-May-22Added event type 'D' (1858 Jhansi) for sadashivr2
2002-May-22Added person sadashivr2 - Rao, Sadashiv
2002-May-22Added person narayanr - Rao, Narayan
2002-May-22Added person trivankar - Rao, Trivanka
2002-May-22Added person sadashivr - Rao, Sadashiv
2002-May-22Added person damodar1 - Rao, Damodar
2002-May-22Replace parents (, harid) for lakshmanr2
2002-May-22Replace parents (, lakshmanr2) for domodarr2
2002-May-22Set alias for domodarr2 to Lala Bhau;;;;;;;;
2002-May-22Added person domodarr2 - Rao, Damodar
2002-May-22Added person lakshmanr2 - Rao, Lakshman
2002-May-21Replaced event type 'D' (1906 ) for anandar2
2002-May-21Replaced event type 'B' (1848 ) for anandar2
2002-May-21Replaced aliases for anandar2 to Damodar Rao;;;;;;;;
2002-May-21Modified person anandar2
2002-May-21Added event type 'M' (1849 ) for gangadhar
2002-May-21Replace parents (, shivraob) for gangadhar
2002-May-21Replaced event type 'D' (18531021 Jhansi) for gangadhar
2002-May-21Replaced event type 'B' (1813 ) for gangadhar
2002-May-21Replaced aliases for gangadhar to ;;;;;;;;
2002-May-21Modified person gangadhar
2002-May-21Added event type 'A' (18531020 Jhansi) for anandar2
2002-May-21Replace parents (, anandar2) for lakshmanr
2002-May-21Replace parents (, lakshmanr) for krishnar2
2002-May-21Added person chandrak - Kant, Chandra
2002-May-21Added person krishnar2 - Rao, Krishna
2002-May-21Added event type 'B' (1879 ) for lakshmanr
2002-May-21Added person lakshmanr - Rao, Lakshman
2002-May-21Added event type 'D' (1851 Jhansi) for damodarr3
2002-May-21Added event type 'B' (1851 Jhansi) for damodarr3
2002-May-21Added person damodarr3 - Rao, Damodar
2002-May-21Added event type 'D' (1853 Jhansi) for gangadhar
2002-May-21Added event type 'B' (1813 ) for gangadhar
2002-May-21Added person gangadhar - Rao, Gangdar
2002-May-21Set alias for manukarnikat to Lakshmibai, Rani of Jhansi;;;;;;;;
2002-May-21Added event type 'D' (18580517 Gwalior) for manukarnikat
2002-May-21Added event type 'B' (18351019 Varanasi (Benares)) for manukarnikat
2002-May-21Added person manukarnikat - Tambe, Manukarnika
2002-May-21Replace parents (, shivraob) for raghunathr3
2002-May-21Added event type 'D' (1838 ) for raghunathr3
2002-May-21Added event type 'B' (1803 ) for raghunathr3
2002-May-21Added person raghunathr3 - Rao, Raghunath
2002-May-21Replace parents (, harid) for shivraob
2002-May-21Replace parents (, shivraob) for krishnar
2002-May-21Replaced event type 'D' (1816 ) for shivraob
2002-May-21Replaced event type 'B' ( ) for shivraob
2002-May-21Replaced aliases for shivraob to ;;;;;;;;
2002-May-21Modified person shivraob
2002-May-21Replace parents (saku, krishnar) for ramchandrar2
2002-May-21Replaced event type 'A' ( ) for krishnac
2002-May-21Replaced event type 'A' ( ) for krishnac
2002-May-21Added event type 'A' ( ) for krishnac
2002-May-21Added person krishnac - Chandra, Krishna
2002-May-21Added event type 'D' (1835 ) for ramchandrar2
2002-May-21Added event type 'B' (1806 ) for ramchandrar2
2002-May-21Added person ramchandrar2 - Rao, Ramchandra
2002-May-21Added person saku - , Saku
2002-May-21Added event type 'D' (1811 ) for krishnar
2002-May-21Added event type 'B' (1788 ) for krishnar
2002-May-21Added person krishnar - Rao, Krishna
2002-May-21Added event type 'D' (1816 ) for shivraob
2002-May-21Added event type 'B' (1794 ) for shivraob
2002-May-21Added person shivraob - Bhau, Shivrao
2002-May-21Replace parents (, raghumathh1) for harid
2002-May-21Replace parents (, harid) for raghunathh2
2002-May-21Added event type 'D' (1794 ) for raghunathh2
2002-May-21Added event type 'B' (1770 ) for raghunathh2
2002-May-21Added person raghunathh2 - Hari, Raghunath
2002-May-21Added person harid - Damodar, Hari
2002-May-21Replace parents (, raghumathh1) for khander
2002-May-21Replace parents (, khander) for ramchandrar
2002-May-21Replace parents (, ramchandrar) for anandar
2002-May-21Replace parents (, anandar) for haribhaur
2002-May-21Replace parents (, haribhaur) for kashinathr
2002-May-21Replaced event type 'D' ( ) for kashinathr
2002-May-21Replaced event type 'B' ( ) for kashinathr
2002-May-21Replaced aliases for kashinathr to ;;;;;;;;
2002-May-21Modified person kashinathr
2002-May-21Replace parents (, anandar) for sakharamr
2002-May-21Replace parents (, sakharamr) for vasudevr
2002-May-21Replace parents (, vasudevr) for anandar2
2002-May-21Added person vasudevr - Rao, Vasudev
2002-May-21Added event type 'B' (1848 ) for anandar2
2002-May-21Added person anandar2 - Rao, Ananda
2002-May-21Added person sakharamr - Rao, Sakharam
2002-May-21Added person kashinathr - Rao, Hashinath
2002-May-21Added person haribhaur - Rao, Haribhau
2002-May-21Added person anandar - Rao, Ananda
2002-May-21Added person ramchandrar - Rao, Ramchandra
2002-May-21Added person khander - Rao, Khande
2002-May-21Added person raghumathh1 - Hari, Raghumath