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Tree: The Copseys
Family: Watts

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Watts, Jamesjamesw1820M1820 1865 
Watts, Williamwilliamw1807M1807 1845 
Watts, Annannw1818F1818 19C 
Watts, Christmaschristmasw1787M1787 19C 
Watts, Edwardedwardw1864M1864 20C 
Watts, Elizaelizaw1813F1813 19C 
Watts, Florenceflorencew1871F1871 20C 
Watts, Georgegeorgew1836M1836 19C 
Watts, Georgegeorgew1867M1867 20C 
Watts, Jabezjabezw1838M1838 19C 
Watts, Jamesjamesw1790M1790 19C 
Watts, Johnjohnw1808M1808 19C 
Watts, Johnjohnw1833M1833 20C 
Watts, Johnjohnw1779M1779 19C 
Watts, Lois Mirendaloisw1867F1867 20C 
Watts, Margaretmargaretw1822F1822 19C 
Watts, Marthamarthaw1794F1794 19C 
Watts, Marymaryw1811F1811 19C 
Watts, Marymaryw1782F1782 19C 
Watts, Mary ElizabethbellbmrsF1868 1959 
Watts, RobertrobertwM1815 19C 
Watts, Samuelsamuelw1749M1749 1813 
Watts, Samuelsamuelw1785M1785 19C 
Watts, Sarah Annsarahw1831F1831 19C 
Watts, Sophiasophia1840F1840 1845 
Watts, Williamwilliamw1777M1777 19C