Change Log

Tree: Felixstowe Clarkes
Family: Mullins

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2001-Aug-6Replaced event type 'B' (19500317 Felixstowe, Suffolk) for alanc
2001-Aug-6Replaced aliases for alanc to ;;;;;;;;
2001-Aug-6Modified person alanc
2001-Aug-4Replace parents (ednag, haroldc) for alanc
2001-Aug-4Replace parents (elizabeths, charlesb) for harrietb
2001-Aug-4Replace parents (katec, ephraimg) for arthurg
2001-Aug-4Replace parents (harrietb, arthurg) for ednag
2001-Aug-4Replace parents (elizabethc, andrewr) for samanthar
2001-Aug-4Replace parents (elizabethc, andrewr) for clarer
2001-Aug-4Replace parents (elizabethc, andrewr) for simonr
2001-Aug-4Replace parents (elizabethc, andrewr) for dawnr
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'M' (19680327 ) for elizabethc
2001-Aug-4Replace parents (ednag, haroldc) for elizabethc
2001-Aug-4Replace parents (elizab, williamc) for haroldc
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'M' (1945 ) for haroldc
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'D' (1940 ) for elizabeths
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (1851 ) for elizabeths
2001-Aug-4Added person elizabeths - Stanmer, Elizabeth
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'D' (19 ) for charlesb
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (18 ) for charlesb
2001-Aug-4Added person charlesb - Baker, Charles
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'D' (19 ) for katec
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (1860 ) for katec
2001-Aug-4Added person katec - Clemence, Kate
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'D' (1929 ) for ephraimg
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (1850 ) for ephraimg
2001-Aug-4Added person ephraimg - Godfrey, Ephraim
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'D' (19 ) for harrietb
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (18 ) for harrietb
2001-Aug-4Added person harrietb - Baker, Harriet
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'D' (19 ) for arthurg
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (18 ) for arthurg
2001-Aug-4Added person arthurg - Godfrey, Arthur William
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'D' (19 ) for elizab
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (18820625 ) for elizab
2001-Aug-4Added person elizab - Best, Eliza Jane
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'D' (19 ) for williamc
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (18770215 ) for williamc
2001-Aug-4Added person williamc - Clarke, William George
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (19800718 ) for samanthar
2001-Aug-4Added person samanthar - Reynolds, Samantha Jane
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (19770905 ) for clarer
2001-Aug-4Added person clarer - Reynolds, Clare Ann
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (19700012 ) for simonr
2001-Aug-4Added person simonr - Reynolds, Simon Andrew
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (19690006 ) for dawnr
2001-Aug-4Added person dawnr - Reynolds, Dawn Elizabeth
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (19400424 ) for andrewr
2001-Aug-4Added person andrewr - Reynolds, Andrew
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (19481117 ) for elizabethc
2001-Aug-4Added person elizabethc - Clarke, Elizabeth Ann
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'D' (19970905 ) for ednag
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (19210710 ) for ednag
2001-Aug-4Added person ednag - Godfrey, Edna Mary
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'D' (19940313 ) for haroldc
2001-Aug-4Added event type 'B' (19190014 ) for haroldc
2001-Aug-4Added person haroldc - Clarke, Harold
2001-Apr-15Deleted link marylinclink
2001-Apr-15Added event type 'B' (19500317 ) for alanc
2001-Apr-15Added person alanc - Clarke, Alan Seth
2001-Apr-15Added link marylinc to allenc.Manny
2001-Apr-15Delete marylinc as a parent
2001-Apr-15Deleted event marylinc, ,
2001-Apr-15Removed aliases for marylinc
2001-Apr-15Added link marylinclink to allenc.marylinc
2001-Apr-15Added person marylinc - Copsey, Marylin Joy Ruby
2001-Apr-15Signed on